Convene a Reading Circle

The Humanities Council invites University faculty, graduate students, and staff to convene reading groups as part of “Baldwin Circles,” a cross-disciplinary celebration of James Baldwin’s work and legacy.

No previous experience with Baldwin’s work is expected; this opportunity is open to everyone eager to read, ponder, and discuss Baldwin in a communal setting. We invite groups to juxtapose Baldwin with other writers and/or to pursue his legacy in various formats and media; in short, we welcome you to think outside the box. The Council will provide each Baldwin Circle with funds for books, meals, and refreshments. Groups will come to their own consensus on what to read, in what sequence, and how often to meet.

Conveners will: 

  • Identify up to 6 participants for their reading group, ideally from at least 2 departments or offices on campus
  • Work with their Baldwin Circle to choose readings for the year
  • Order and distribute up to 2 books to the group
  • Arrange meeting spaces and host discussion meetings at least twice per semester 
  • Charge a Humanities Council chartstring for expenses and submit in Concur for approval

All Baldwin Circles participants will receive a copy of James Baldwin’s Collected Essays; books have been purchased by the Humanities Council from Source of Knowledge in Newark, NJ. 

If you are interested in convening a Baldwin Circle, please complete this brief form by September 15, 2024. To register, conveners should have commitments from at least 2-3 Circle participants.

If you would like to join a Circle but cannot commit to leading one, please email [email protected] to tell us a little about yourself, and we will offer space in a group if and when it becomes available.